Schneider Electric收购可再生能源平台Zeigo以全局扩大数字采购能力

经过Craig Resnick.


施耐德电气宣布它已获得启动气候技术可再生能源平台Zeigo.为了帮助提高公司能源,可持续性和环境商品的数字能力可再生能源平台咨询。此次收购将补充Schneider Electric的清洁能源服务和解决方案组合,并帮助推进公司的数字能源转型野心。

经过combining Zeigo’s AI capabilities with its existing advisory services, Schneider Electric will deploy enhanced collaborative intelligence in the energy and environmental commodity procurement process, which is a strong complement to existing Schneider Electric solutions for aggregation and digital platforms, such as EcoStruxure Resource Advisor and NEO Network.

The acquisition of the Zeigo machine learning algorithm and 20-person team further contributes to Schneider Electric’s position as an experienced corporate renewable energy advisor, an area where the company commands a strong position in the US, Europe, Australia, and emerging geographies, like Brazil.

